
The Lord Is

The Lord Is

Verse 1

The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not want for any good thing

He leads me through paths of His righteousness

I will draw near


Verse 2

The Lord is my shepherd

I sing in the shadow of Your wings

And if the enemy surrounds me

My God He is with me

Hope will appear

Based on Psalm 23 - Our God will take care of His people.


For goodness and mercy

Will follow me forever and ever

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever

Based on Psalm 23 - Our God will take care of His people.


Verse 3:

The Lord is my shepherd

Who leads me to still waters and pastures green

Even if He leads me through the valley

Of the shadow of darkness

I will not fear

Based on Psalm 23 - Our God will take care of His people.


For goodness and mercy

Will follow me forever and ever

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever

Based on Psalm 23 - Our God will take care of His people.


You spread a feast for me

Before all my enemies

Anoint my head with oil till my cup runs over

With goodness and mercy

Your goodness and mercy

The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not want for any good thing